A Community's Way to Joy
In the aftermath of the 2024 election results I found myself really struggling to be grateful, I decided to reach out to my community to hear about their fears, joys, and strategies to stay grounded. I then turned those interviews into 6 different spoken word pieces representing 6 individuals in my life of all different sexualities, genders, and ethnicities. Upon some reflection I found my own answer to the question "What bring you joy?" to be community, dance, music, and nature. This project allowed me to amplify the voices of my community as well as connect with them on a deeper level through the interview process; I was able to incorporate the rest of my answer into the format of the project itself.
Reaction to Earthseed
I created this in reaction to the verse of Earthseed at the start of the 4th chapter of Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. I was reflecting on the difference between letting the uncontrollable control you and working with the uncontrollable. 
Part I & II An unfinished attempt to process the stripping of women’s rights in the US
A reflection on the stripping of women's rights in the US as of April 2024 through the lens of “Fix me, Jesus” by Alvin Ailey and “When All the Children Cry” by White Lion. 
Both “Fix me, Jesus” and “When All the Children Cry” process trauma that did not happen directly to the speaker, however it affects them regardless. Similarly, the overturning of Roe v Wade did not directly alter my life, yet has affected how I view myself, choices that shape my future, and my place in society. 
The film begins with a poem I wrote directly following the overturning of Roe v Wade accompanied by visuals following a circular/spiraling motif. Then, the song “Danse II. if you’ve torn the bandage off” begins: the song is the second of five in a storytelling symphony about processing trauma, which represents how as a society we have just begun to realize the implications of the reversal of Roe v Wade.
The dance is interrupted by videos of me as a child, representing the stripping of innocence of young girls that this has caused. The parallel structure represent sthe continued struggle, effort, and different approaches that processing trauma requires. The juxtaposition between the volatile poem and more peaceful choreography suggests that if the first step of processing is anger then step two is surrender, acceptance, and determination. This leads the viewer to question, where are we as a society? Can individuals truly process something that society has not? Ultimately, although this film tells a story, it is unfinished because I hope this film ingrains in its viewers what this process ingrained in me: this is just the beginning, it is time to act. 
I created this piece while unable to walk. I conceptualized this piece half way through the 6 month period where I was on crutches due to a bad foot injury. The first moves created came to me as I was sitting in the hospital lobby waiting to go into surgery to finally get my foot get put back together after 3 long months had already passed. I managed to choreograph and teach this dance while on crutches and also did the costume design, lighting design, and staging. This piece is very much a reflection on my relationship with dance and how it both has saved my life over and over and yet also has created great harm and grief in my life. It was performed in Sequoia High School's Advanced Dance Annual Show for an audience of about 1600.
Choreographers: Kate Goldman
Dancers: Sequoia High School Advanced Dance
Music: Choreomania - Florence and the Machine
Loose Your Head
I co-choreographed this with my friend Besher Garcia. We wanted to explore how tap and contemporary dance, two very different styles of dance, could work together and complement/contrast each other. We were interested in the mixing of styles and exploration of partner work: between the styles, and between the physical people. In addition to co-choreographing, we also both danced in the piece and did the costume design, lighting design, and staging together. It was performed in Sequoia High School's Advanced Dance Annual Show for an audience of about 1600.
Choreographers: Kate Goldman, Besher Garcia
Dancers: Sequoia High School Advanced Dance
Music: Guillotine - Jon Bellion, Travis Mendes mixed by Besher Garcia
I've had anxiety my whole life, but in my freshman year, I started experiencing panic attacks more. I choreographed this piece my sophomore year as an exploration of how my anxiety manifested within me, and what it felt like to move through, and come out of a panic attack. In addition to choreographing, I also danced in the piece and did the costume design, lighting design, and staging. It was performed in Sequoia High School's Advanced Dance Annual Show for an audience of about 1600.
Choreographers: Kate Goldman
Dancers: Sequoia High School Advanced Dance
Music: Sur un volcan - La Maison Tellier
Finding Joy
Finding Joy was my first piece that I ever put on other dancers. I choreographed, danced, filmed, and edited the piece when I was 14 during the COVID19 lockdowns. Everything was taught over zoom.
Choreographers: Kate Goldman
Dancers: Sequoia High School Advanced Dance
Music: Tear drop - Massive Attack
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